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Friday, July 11, 2014

Reflections: 12 days after our return from Ethiopia

It has now been a little over 10 days since Caden and I returned from Ethiopia and I have still been digesting and reflecting on our entire experience while there. I must admit and it has been a lot to digest and reflect on.  Here are a few of things that have been on my mind:

1) I would be remiss if I didn't give a SUPER huge shout out to my amazing son, Caden. He is THE absolute best travel companion that I have ever had. He was so patient, didn't complain and saw the good in everything.  Due to him being so comfortable and seeing the good in everything, I was able to take a few pointers from him and have an open mind.  We can really learn a lot from kids! Sometimes we have to step back and see things from their perspective.  God really blessed me when he gave Caden to me!

2) I still am amazed of the work that God did while there:

Gospel Presentations:  The Gospel was presented to 5,601 people!

Professions of Faith:  New Christians! 339

Priceless Cube: The number of people who are now aware of the dangers of human trafficking  ...2240

I Am Second Groups: Total: 996 people

Churches started: 3
Isn't this amazing!!!
3) Last but, not least, the amazing team of leaders that I got to work along side, left an amazing impression on me:
Our translators who not only translated for us, but were also a source of protection.  Pastor Jeff Timblin of Bridges Church in California, his amazing daughter Sami, our wonderful group leader, Katie Brown (this was her 13th trip to Ethiopia) and Pastor Samuel (far right). His story of meeting his wife while in prison made me really realize how much of my faith and relationship with Christ that I've taken for granted. They were both arrested in the late 80's for preaching the gospel. Wow!  I wonder how many of us would change our downplay our beliefs if that were the case.I don't know of many people that would still be preaching if this were the case.
 All of this made me think of the sacrifices my late grandfather, Rev. John Loyd Edwards made during the Civil Rights movement and during his 70 years of ministry.  I would have loved to hear his thoughts of facing imprisonment for preaching.  He was proud and excited about me going on this trip and was one of my biggest supporters.  When I get to heaven, we'll have this conversation a long with many others.  I was so proud to wear his hat while I was there...

I am looking forward to returning to Ethiopia next summer or the following year...

Just my rambling for today. Still digesting all of this on 34th birthday!

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