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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Wow! Egziabeher Yimesgen!

 Wow! Egziabeher Yimesgen 
(Amharic for "May God be Praised!")
Just a quick selfie at the hotel :)

*Tiny wormy disclaimer---This post has and will not be edited. It’s from the heart and right off of the top of the dome.
**Feel free to comment and add some words of encouragement…

 I swear when I went to bed last night, I wasn't really feeling being here.  I felt dirty...The accommodations aren't the best, all that nice and definitely aren't up to date.  We haven't had running water since we've been here, so we have  made use of baby wipes, hand sanitizer, bottled water and just the basic necessities.  I had already started to count down the days until we returned home, especially when I was awaken at 3am by Ethiopian Orthodox church service with singing and chanting in Amharic over loud speaker. WTF Geez! This went on until about 9am and will go on every day. Jesus be some deep sleep and some ear plugs!  Caden slept through all of it. I prayed about it. I know that God has a reason for me being here. We still don't have running water, but somehow God has really moved quickly within me to shift my mindset... and for that I am truly grateful.

By the way, Caden is really enjoying this experience more that I thought he would. He said he feel like he is camping, something that he's always wanted to do.  Me on the other hand...when I looked up at at the ceiling and the top of the mosquito net covering my bed last night, I recalled all of those times that I wished that I was a princess and could sleep under a canopy. God really does have a sense of humor. My "canopy" is really a mosquito!

During our meal times, we have been discussing the miracles of Jesus. This morning over breakfast, we discussed John 2. Tomorrow morning we'll discuss John 4 before taking a 2.5  hour drive up the mountain to work in a few of the villages.

After lunch, we had some time to walk the streets outside of the gates of the hotel. It was when we were walking and interacting with the people and especially the children that I realized I was actually very happy to be here and that I do in fact have a purpose to serve while I am here. All of that can become a bit cloudy when you are distracted by feeling dirty, don't have running water and aren't in your preferred swanky type of hotel.  Mind you we are at the number two hotel in the area :) It could always be worse, huh.  The kids just start following you and the people wave and smile.  Most speak and stare. Some of the kids start holding your hand, hoping that you have something to give them. I was warned to be discreet in giving because you will be swarmed and taken over by them.    
Hotel entrance

Walking the streets of Arba Minch

We met a few gentlemen who approached us, spoke great English and were Christians.  They were so open and detailed about their love for Jesus. It made me question whether or not I really needed to be here to share the gospel at  We met Neal, Muhjanek and Miju. 
Caden and I with Muhjanek

Some of the group with Miju and "Frio"
I feel in love with this little girl in the red shirt, "Frio". She is deaf and lives on the streets. Her parents are deceased, but she would not let us out of our sight.  After taking her picture, she wanted to see it.  We also went through about 100 of my pictures on my phone. It was amazing how much we were able to communicate without language or sound.  Everytime she saw Caden or I in a picture, she pointed at us. I spent about 30-45 minutes "talking" to her. She gave us the biggest hugs when we departed. I already can't wait to find her again.

Before dinner, we completed Priceless Cube training and met our translators for the first time.  My translator's name is Girma and even Caden has his own translator, Elizabeth.We spent time getting to know eachother and preparing for the work we'll be doing starting tomorrow. They both stated that they were surprised that we (Caden and I) were black like them.  99% of the time they work with white-Americans. Interesting.

Girma, Caden and Elizabeth (our translators)
Here's a snippet of our group leader, Katie going through the Priceless Cube training.

While on the plane, I began reading this book. "Revolution in World Missions"It's free to download or they will even mail you a copy. So far it's a great read! 
Revolution in World Missions book

We eat breakfast at 6:30am and get ready to get on road. I can't wait to update you all tomorrow on our first day in the field. Please pray that what we have to share does not fall on death ears and that we are able to also lead people to Christ. 

Here are some more pics below....
Ethiopian money= Birr. I love the picture on the money

Normal scenery while walking the streets of Arba Minch

Caden with some of the ladies in our group

Connor and Muhjanek discussing the Gospel
Guards outside of the hotel.  They use those sticks to keep animals and the "poor" outside of the gates :(

My lunch: Doro Wat (Chicken Stew with boiled egg) and an apple soda. Yum!

Priceless Cube training

Caden reading up on Priceless Cube




  1. Man this is so dope. I know y'all having a very interesting time!!!

    1. Thanks Corey! Hope you can come next time. I think everyone should experience this at least once in their lives.

  2. Great writing. I felt like I was right there with you. very interesting how not that many people that look like them (skin color) come around to share the gospel. That actually speaks volumes on so many levels. I cant wait to follow you and Caden on this journey. I know you usually dont bite your tongue so I am looking to read some very candid entries.

    1. Thanks Brittney! Everything has been quite interesting here. Nothing like I expected, but I am glad that I am here. You are right, nothing has changed. I still speak my mind and would like for others to have an honest depiction of my experience here.

  3. I'm glad you all having a nice time. Sis I know the conditions are not to your liking but you know what your mission is. keep your eyes on HIGH and serve HIM and let HIM use you for HIS glory. hang in there...LOVE U AND CADEN!! Give CADEN a hug and a kiss for me and tell him Uncle J loves him

    1. Thanks Big Bro! The conditions aren't unbearable. Just a lot to take it at once. I'm so glad that I did this and Caden gets to experience this with me. We love you too! Caden says hi!

  4. hang in there Sis...I know the conditions are not up to what u would like but God will keep u thru this. stay focus and keep your eyes on HIGH and remember the purpose for why HE sent you there. LOVE YALL!! Kiss Caden for me and tell him Uncle J Loves and misses him. U doing a beautiful job Sis

  5. Hi Kem. Your blog is like reading a novel. Can't wait to read how the rest of the trip progresses. Don't forget, we haven't always had running water, electric lights and other comfortable amenities and we still survived. You'll have to take what they call "bird baths" and just wash every integral of your body. lol. There's always a way--Reminds me of when we used to have outdoor toilets when I was a small child. How's the temperature there? It's been in the 90s all week in Atl. Anyway, my prayers are with you and Caden and it's exhilarating to know you've given your life over to Christ. You will continued to be blessed.

    Aunt Bertha

    PS--hope you're able to get sleep tonight. Wish I could send you some earplugs.

    1. Hey Auntie! We are definitely living and surviving. It's actually not that bad. The weather is actually great here. Mid-50's to low 70's. We've been wearing jackets a lot. I'm glad that it isn't hot. There isn't any A/C.

      For the most part, I have always had a close relationship with God and gone to church. Nothing has really changed. This is just an opportunity for Caden and I to do something different, give back and share the gospel along the way.

      I actually have ear plugs. They chanting didn't start until 5:30 this morning, so it wasn't too bad. We are headed up the mountain now. Stay tuned!

  6. I'm praying for you and Caden Kem. I'm praying that God will be glorified while you're on this trip! Stay safe and rejoice in your purpose! There is a reason why God sent you.

    1. Thanks Billie! We really appreciate your prayers and kind words.

  7. Hi Kemberly, it has really been interesting to follow you on this adventure through your blog. This is one trip that you and Caden will be able to talk about for years.
    It is so amazing how we take for granted the small things...and in the next breath realizing how blessed we are.
    Continue to be safe...our prayers are with you and Caden!
    Love you both!!! ~Mother
